HTML Issue

Volume 12 Issue 3 ( July-September ) 2023

Original Articles

To compare the obstetric outcomes of spontaneous labour vs induced labour in pregnancies beyond 40 weeks of gestation
Dr. Rashmi, Dr. Satyendra Kumar Pandey, Dr. Pankaj Kumar Mishra

Aim: To compare the obstetric outcomes of spontaneous labour vs induced labour in pregnancies that have beyond 40 weeks of gestation. Materials and Methods: The study included a cohort of 50 pregnant women who were in spontaneous labour and had reached a gestational age of 40 weeks or more. Group B consisted of a cohort of 50 pregnant women who had reached over 40 weeks of gestation and had induced labour for delivery. This research included pregnant individuals with regular menstrual cycles who were beyond 40 weeks of gestational age, up to 42 weeks. Results: In this study, 76% were primigravida and 24 % were multigravida in both groups. 24 % in group A and 20% in group B were augmented. It reveals that 70% of these women had vaginal delivery, whereas 4% experienced instrumental vaginal delivery. In group B, the majority of women (82%) had vaginal birth, whereas a smaller proportion (8%) underwent instrumental vaginal delivery. There is no statistically significant difference seen. In group A, 26% of women received the procedure known as Lower Segment Caesarean Section (LSCS), while in group B, this percentage was 10%. The observed distinction is deemed to be statistically significant, as shown by a p-value of less than 0.03. The incidence of meconium stained liquor was higher in group A (40%) compared to group B (20%). The observed difference is deemed to be statistically significant, as shown by a p-value of less than 0.001. Conclusion: The study found that there were no significant differences in maternal and foetal outcomes between the groups of women who had spontaneous labour and those who underwent induced labour throughout the gestational period of 40-41 weeks. During the gestational age range of 41-42 weeks, a notable increase in the presence of meconium staining in the amniotic fluid was seen in cases of spontaneous labour in comparison to induced labour.

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